Meet Moshe Segebre of Estetique Inc. USA
Ep. 38 - Moshe Segebre of Estetique Inc. USA
34 minute view/listen
Nov, 2021
Available everywhere you podcast
In this episode, Dr. Stevens interviews Moshe Segebre, President and Founder of Estetique Inc. USA, a provider of non-invasive medical aesthetic equipment present in over 1,000 centers in 25 countries.
With the goal of "reinventing the non-invasive market in the USA and Latin America alike", Moshe was one of the first in the aesthetic space to focus on servicing clients across South America, Central America and the Caribbean with personalized attention in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Full Transcript

Dr. Grant Stevens
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Technology of Beauty, where I have the opportunity to interview the movers and the shakers of the beauty business. And today is no exception. Today we're going to be able to interview Moshe Segebre, who is with us today on this Zoom call from Miami, Florida. Welcome, Moshe. How are you doing?

Moshe Segebre
Hey, thank you Grant. Nice to see you.

Dr. Grant Stevens
Fantastic. It's great. It's great to see you. Although I wish you were here in our studio in Manhattan Beach.

Moshe Segebre
Soon we'll be there.

Dr. Grant Stevens
I'm gonna hold you to that Moshe. I'm gonna hold you to that. There are many people on the program today who do not know who you are.
And you are huge. And I want you to explain to everybody first, so about your company, and why don't you start with where you're from and where you grew up. And tell us a little bit about yourself, first of all, huh?

Moshe Segebre
Yes. I was born in Barran, Colombia. The same city that Shakira and Sofia Vergara are from. And I came to America. That was my dream to come to America. When I was 18 years old. I came on a cargo ship camp actually. And this is like an American dream with $500 on the Bible. That's all I had to my name. And looking for a dream. I was 18. I remember crying and seeing the ship leave Columbia, my mom and my sisters were there, my dad.
And and it should be, have a lot of time to think. It was seven days of budget. and I came to America. That was my promised land. Really. And not many people, even in these times, come to America on ships. As back then it was Eastern Airlines. I could have gotten a plane and come to Miami.
But if I may, I wanna tell you a quick story of how that happened, please. Why I came on a this is a beautiful story, even I love to hear it. From, remember especially when I'm having a bad day next to my house, lived the captain of a ship who every two weeks would come to the US, bring in cement on a freight ship.
And I asked them, I had this op, there was a missionaries that went down to Colombia to build a church, and they made on national television, not national local television, they say, Hey, these Americans have come. who would like to come and volunteer to help him build the church. And only three people showed up.
It was me, somebody who ended up working for me here in the US eventually. And a guy who's a pastor here in Miami, so all three of us. Showed up there and one of the families invited me to come to America. I had to actually want a scholarship to go to Russia. Back then, if you remember, in South America, we, there was like the Cold War.
So Russia wanted to if you were a good student, they wanted to bring you over with all specials paid to Moscow and the US basically just had, the US is the us, everybody wants to come here. So they invited me to come. And they wanted to pay for my ticket. My family offered to pay for my ticket, but I said, I was young and I said, Hey would you, why don't I gimme a ride on you, one of your ships?
You go there every two weeks, so nobody has to pay anything. And the guy basically told me, no, that's impossible. So I learned Grant, one of the lists that I tell my children, do not always go to the top, don't go to the middle map. So I found out who the owner of the company was and one, one of the richest families in Columbia.
And I showed up. Three days to see her. Maria, she's listening today. If Donna should send her this podcast, and she after three days, she goes, what are you, what can I do for you? So I wanted you to gimme a ride on one of the ships. I explained to her the situation, I wanna go to study to the us.
And she goes, are you kidding me? This why you came here to see me? I, Phil whoa, my family, I don't do this for my family. What if you break your leg? What if you're bringing drugs back? A lot of the guys were found with drugs on the ship. So he goes, I can't risk that. And I go, I just looked at it.
I said, look, if I don't ask, I really told myself no, but if I ask, I have a chance. And there was a silence. She looked up and said, you wanna leave tomorrow? And I said, I have impact. And she goes, tell 'em that my ships are your ships and the rest is history. A couple of days or maybe a week later, I was bound for America On a ship was the name of the ship. And I found my promised land.

Dr. Grant Stevens
That's fantastic. And when you came, you were 18, did you go to school first or what did you do when you got here?

Moshe Segebre
Yes, that's a very good question. Believe it or not, my background. Then I ended up going to theology school. This family wanted me to go to, they wanted me to go in the East coast to very strict school.
And I'm not really that religious to be honest. I'm a believer of course, but I'm very open-minded. and I found this place in Minneapolis, Minnesota where I met Tracy. Tracy is a missionary daughter to missionary kids, missionary parents in Brazil. And I ended up in Minnesota and did for years of theology, one year in France.
Helping out children's, that are in drugs and stuff like that to, was a coffee bar that we call them in, in, in France. And that was an amazing experience. So I ended up meeting Tracy there. We got. and started the company almost 25 years ago.

Dr. Grant Stevens
Okay. Tell everybody the name of your company.

Moshe Segebre
Yeah. The name of the company is Estetique, Estetique, Inc. USA, and we're based in Miami. And yeah, we have been doing this for about 25 years. And we're very big in South America. Now. We're actually taking the US by storm. I'll tell you a little bit about. But we have we've done a lot of hard work.
We have about over 5,000 units placed in the non-invasive industry. That's our space, but 1000 centers in 25 countries over 20 years. And yeah, that's then in a nutshell, that's who we are.

Dr. Grant Stevens
And what is your product or what are your products?

Moshe Segebre
One of the main products that we have, it's called the Lipo Max.
We have a range of products that go. Light-based technology and things like that. And what we wanna do is bring to the the plastic. I started with plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is for my biggest market, mainly in South America. And we have a lot of products for hair removal the LI lasers and things like that.
A body contouring. The lipo is a big name in South America now. It's becoming big name in the united. and that, that's basically our space.

Dr. Grant Stevens
Do you still primarily sell a plastic surgeons or are you selling to all people in the aesthetic space?

Moshe Segebre
That is a very good question. We have seen that there is a lot of investors who would like to to enter this industry.
I think you have a similar concept with the orange twist. And there are investors, even though they want to run a day to day or instituion on doctors, there's a lot of people interested in in, that's why we are so interested now in the United States, because I. Grant from Mexico all the way down.
I may be, if not as a client, I may be. Two people, or actually with the president of that country, I know them, so there's a lot of investors that will say, Hey, I want, and now with the whole COVID thing, I wanna go to the United States. I wanna open a center. Teach me about this. I know who you are.
Why don't we go to America? That's why now we're going strong into the US because I have a lot of people asking me I wanna open up a center and we are actually having this is the direct step that I wanted to talk to you. I think I shared with you the first interview that we had, a few years ago.
And I'm, you're gonna be coming to Miami soon. We're actually gonna be opening the first center, the first synthetic center, and that should be done by the end of this year. We signed papers actually yesterday for the location. And before it was we were gonna do with a bunch of investors. Tracy and I have always believed in trying to do everything ourselves.
And, grow slowly and so on. So this is gonna be funded by aesthetic. Even though we have a lot of people waiting in line, we, one of the first one wanted to work to be profitable and then allow people, because you've been bugging me, please let me open up the center with the name, the outside, of course.

Dr. Grant Stevens
And what are you gonna offer? What services will you offer at that center in Miami?

Moshe Segebre
Very good questions. I think we were gonna do injectables. That's for, that's one thing that we've been talking lately because we'll start with the idea of hair removal, which is a big thing and body contouring in that space that is, is hot at least in South America.
And I understand it's the same in the states. And you can, I was actually gonna ask you, because we can still take some and put in, this is gonna be the first one, it's gonna be our pilot, but for their last 25 years we have been really huge on body contouring non. And actually a lot of the plastic surgeons I remember when I started, I say, look, I am not, I'm your friend.
I'm your best friend because I want you to actually elevate the hippocratic oath because at the beginning, 25 years ago, they were like, what are you doing with these machines here? There was only cannula and breast implants, and I have seen that in the United States. It was this palmed start thinking, starting to happen, and I went all the way down to the international for the 25 countries, the Association of Plastic Surgery, the I don't what feel, lack Stanford Federation of International, they have this organization. And I ended up going to Lima Rural Places. And it was on, that's how I got started going to, plastic surgery to me is. It's my home because that's where I got started.

Dr. Grant Stevens
And what are your long-term plans? And you're gonna open this one up in Miami. Are you gonna prove the concept and then raise money and open more? Or what are your plans?

Moshe Segebre
The first, okay, let's go back. When I have the magazine right here, right when this was printed. Now Fortune, just in an article on us. But this one, I think you've seen it, before. I think I gotta send you the printed version and stuff. We actually had Venezuelan investor who gave. quite about my amount of money. Of course in Venezuela, it became basically not closer to to deal with Venezuelan investors.
So we decided not to do that. And actually that was a godsend in a sense because I think it's better if when, when my father he is gone now. He's pasted. I remember that he mentioned to me, Moche, if you want to open a chicken business, because even if you have the.
To get it. This is, I know this is, goes counter to a lot of the big investors in the US but I remember he mentioned this to me and I really agree with this. Even if you have the money to open the biggest egg company, start with one egg, one, one hand and look how many break, and then you get five, then you get 10.
So nobody will be able to tell you the story, understand everything about that. and then you can grow it. And I think that's a wise, because money's the easy part is the money. At least it's South America for investors. That's the easy part. But do we wanna burn the? This is my baby.
Esthetic is my baby. It's my brand. I gave my last 25 years, Tracy and I gave basically everything to that name, to that brand, and. In good times and in bad times. The brand has always been the one thing that has always been the strongest. The time that has kept us really afloat. So I really believe in that.
I I know the American concept is different. You go, you get watch investors, you throw money at the concept, and then I believe, because remember, I sell to these people. I love it because they buy 30, 40 machines from me. I love it. I've seen it, but I know which ones are going to do well or not, because remember, I've been on the other side.
So I've I've helped franchises overseas. I know which ones are gonna do well and I've been wrong maybe once or twice, but I will say 95% I've been right. And we don't wanna make the mistake that I've seen people do for the last 25 years. I wanna be able to now learn from those mistakes that I didn't make, that I watch.
And to be, if I have to be frank, that I took advantage of in a sense, because I thought they shouldn't be ordering 50 machines. They should order 10, but say they one 50 and sometimes they don't even ask for a discount grant, because they have the funds. and I could have given the discount, I could have said, look, buy 20, I'll give you 10 for free, at that price.
But we wanna learn from those mistakes, which I think we have. To me there were opportunities for the other side. I think there were mistakes and of course we can negotiate a lot better because we've been on both sides. And make it very profitable, a winning concept and invite people like you to be on the board.

Dr. Grant Stevens
I'd be very interested. So for our listeners, I want you to make it a little more clear as far as what the role of Estetique is. So specifically, I know you have the center you're building in Miami, but I also know you have many clients in South America and Central America. And do you sell the products to those clients?

Moshe Segebre
Yes, indeed. We have we actually, this is interesting because this concept basically has been proven effective over a thousand times, and yet it's gonna be the first time. Let me explain to you, please. We have actually partnered our helped.
I do, I have a talk that is called How to Make Money, aesthetics. I am not a doctor, okay? I know how to make money, that's my gift. So for example, I was just invited in Mexico, a guy that totally admires you. So I'll make a little parenthesis here. I am at the IAPs, right? You walking by and lasso Cardinas or Cardenas, say in Spanish.
If you go to any city in Mexico, there's always a street called Lasso Cardenas. This is not just the Mexican president, this is the Mexican who actually took the oil company and nationalized. Okay? LA Cardena. The grandson of that president. He is my personal friend. And I go to his house, we have dinner together.
He invited me to actually teach his staff how to make money, aesthetics. Anyway, he saw you walking by this. He's the president of the Mexican Association and he says, oh my God, you will not believe who just walked by. And I go, who? I go, grant Stevens. I wanted to brag all the time, Graham, but I didn't say anything.
Yeah, he's a great guy. But anyway, I think he, I was gonna look for you to introduce you, but you were gone. And you know how it is when you're at that show. Everybody wants to talk to you. So anyway, but. Those doctors, those people that you know, at least they know you. You may not know them, but they know you.
They look for this and go, mok, and I see that, that opportunity go, I, I wanna make more money. I only have two hands, if I could have 4, 6, 8, 10, and I tell 'em, and we're gonna do it in a way that we're gonna elevate the hypothetical oaths, because you're gonna say, look, a lot of times a girl would like to have a liposuction grant.
You and I know a lot of these girls, it's more mental. They don't really need it, but they didn't have an option to a lipo. Now, I said before, before she goes to somebody who's not a doctor, I don't know in the States, but in South America that happens. Many people operate, do liposuction that they shouldn't.
And I was, I've been big in the last 25 years in educating those non-doctors say, look, you don't need to go to that space. That's not your space. There's something like the lip formax, just like avela shape and theology type of machines. You can do something to that girl without having to give her a liposuction.
And to the plastic surgeon, I say, look, if you told her, tell her no, and you wanna uphold the hypocritic call that you made because you know that honestly you don't wanna put on the anesthesia. She doesn't need an operation. She could go to somebody else and it's not a Dr. Grant. You know this.
And then she get operated. What do you do? Now Moshe comes and say, look, you don't need an operation. Let me start you with lipo. It's a machine that comes from Miami. It's a non-invasive, we're gonna do suction, we're gonna do ultrasound, all those type of non-invasive technologies. We'll start with that.
You and I know she'll pay 20 liposuction with the system, right? But if after you finish the first package of six weeks, you need it, I will operate. You will. You know what's gonna happen with that girl? Word of mouth. I say my plastic surgeon, my friend. Now it's not just Dr. Saul, he was so honest that he suggested to me that I do this Lipo Max treatment instead of going under surgery.
And now she's telling to a lot of friends that you and I know that a little bit chubby, that do need a a liposuction guess where they. They're going to Lasar. S Lasar now has a practice. I would love to go to Guadalajara with you. I think that investment must be about 70 million. He's the most beautiful thing that you've ever seen.
He's the main owner. I've introduced you to him. He loves you. He, who you are. And I and that's the thing. I also feel that there is that need to connect South America. A lot of people think, oh yeah, there's no money in Latin America. They forget that. Who's the guy on the cover of this book, of this sport?
Come. It's Carlos Lim. The last time I checked he's not American. That's correct. He is from Mexico. So there's a lot of investors who are ready. Willing and wanting to come to America. And remember there is a green card issue, which we are experts on. Cause as Latin America, I know exactly how it works.
The United States now is fantastic. I love this way of immigration. If you come to America and you bring money and you give 10 people a job, you get a green card and also you get citizenship. So there's a lot of need of concepts that are ready, ready to be suited to this. That's the people that I know, I may not know a lot of.
People in the United States that may, we're also gonna sell to them. We're not gonna say no to them, but I can bring so many investors. They're basically waiting for that percenter to basically throw money at us. And we wanna be responsible with that and do it in a way that they can, we can open 50 right away, but hey, do one and do 3, 5, 10, 15, doing well.
And I've been, I haven't, I mentioned a little bit to you. We would love to have you on the board and and benefit from it, not only financially, but many other ways. I think there's so much that we can do together. Are you going to, I think they are doctors.

Dr. Grant Stevens
Are you gonna start on the east coast? I know the first one is in Miami. Are you gonna start on the east coast or are you gonna go around the country? What's your plan?

Moshe Segebre
The plan is to have we wanna doing the same. Remember that we have about a thousand centers in 25 countries already, right? Imagine if you and I, if I would've talked to you 20 years ago and say, Hey Grant, why don't we do something where we licensed the name and stuff like that and help these doctors and stuff like that?
And you and I go, you talk as a doctor, I talk to, as business guy and we partner. Imagine it would've been such a wonder. opportunity, not just financial for you and me, but for them as well, right? And the idea is to take advantage of every single center that, remember, a lot of these people are not just my clients, and you're not.
I know in the US for example, if I sell you something and even if you're a woman and I ask you out to dinner, you may think Hey, are you hitting on me? I bought from you, but I'm not sleeping with you. In South America, if you don't invite him out to dinner, please put the girl she thinks you're.
because you just took my money and there's a relationship. When I go, they take you to their house. Lasar has had me on his private soccer, thing that he has at the stadium, nothing to do with business, go to his home, have, see. So I think that relationship is amazing.
And a lot of these clients, friends that I have, are ready and willing to partner with us. Of course, we have to have something real and established to do so in, I think right there we have a lot of opportunity to start with home. I don't have to like, just, okay, open the doors, cross your fingers.
You know what I mean? A lot of these guys have private planes, they can fly over and stuff like that. I've used, sometimes I don't like to use people's private planes because, You never know. Look, I'll go first, but, or even economy. But anyway, but the point is that all these guys can be here in a, the 14th are gonna have one of them from Monterey as long as his private plane.
And I'm gonna have, I'm gonna take it for the vaccination cuz the vaccination in Mexico slow. And now it's, I don't know if you know this, but it's open now in Miami, in Florida. for everyone. But a lot of these guys, personal favors, it's really good relationship. So I think there's so much to do.
I wanna talk to you off camera. Even as I talk to you now even my manager is going with ideas of so much that we can do. I am excited. I am super excited and this is providential that we are talking today. I told Tracy Grando said, no, this, I really haven't talked to grandma about this. He may know about 5% of who we.
and we just sign on our first location when you called and said, I go, wow, this is providential. So it is, I'm really excited. I'm really excited to be with you. I have a lot of respect and am admiration for you what you've done. You, one of the luminaries of plastic surgery in the United States and around the world.
And when I say that, look, I've been around. I know if somebody knows modestly speaking plastic surgery especially in Latin America it's really us.

Dr. Grant Stevens
That's fantastic. It's very exciting. Moshe, I'd be interested in working with you and also getting to know some of those people and yes, indeed. Certainly coming down to South America and Central America, as I love going down. And I love the Latin culture and so forth. And I wasn't aware that you had a thousand centers in 25 countries. I was not aware of that.

Moshe Segebre
So thank you for sharing that. Honestly even myself sometimes I go, wow, I look at this, say, how do we do that?
Because I go, they're the big names, right? And when they tell me how many units they, because remember, the big brands in the US have thousands of units. But then you go to, you go to Mexico and and I have to like I'm ashamed because they say, oh, how many how many ceras do you have?
Or How many the big brands, you know that we need 'em to do well because we are that. Starbucks approach, like that not so expensive option with F FDA and everything else, but not too expensive. And when they say, oh, we have 200 units, and I go, oh, I don't say anything because I feel like that's a distributor.
And I go cause I'm the owner of the brand. I go, oh that's really good. But I'm thinking to myself, I sold more than that and. And I, Miami. This is crazy. You know what I mean? So we open up, we have an office in Aveda, president Mazari, which is like the fifth avenue of Mexico City.
Yes. But there's so much need. Miami is, as is really Hong Kong. It's not really, it's not really the us It's not really Latin America. It's that third space. That's Starbucks, right? It's not home. It's not home really. And it's not work. It's that third place, Starbucks. And that's what we became.
I saw it 20 years ago. This Tracy, Miami's like that. Starbucks the third place. And that's what we have become that bridge. Everybody goes, anybody has a place in Cub came they wanna have a piece of America, and now I say, I told Tracy instead of having real estate, why do they have an aesthetic center? And that's basically the vision the next step.

Dr. Grant Stevens
That's very interesting. Could you tell our our viewers a little bit more about Lipo Max and just what it is? What's the energy source and how does it work?

Moshe Segebre
Basically what it does, if you're familiar with, of, I'm sure you are, with suction of course, infrared light, and then also ultrasound. Basically what we try to do or what we do is we try to better, as cellulite is basically a circulation problem, and it's also, CIM will be a woman. About 95% of women have cellulite, so when you apply suction with infrared light, basically adipocyte, you can elevate the temperature of the DIY one to two centigrades creating basically like a friction.
and also, a lipolysis system that allows people to the patient to actually burn some of the tissue, some of the fat tissue and the suction helps with the circulation at the SEPTA or connective tissue. You'll notice better than me is, sometimes when you have that dimple effect or we're trying to this to get up to a very flat surface.
and that's what better in circulation by doing the suction, the ultrasound helps, and also with rf. So for tightening a little bit the skin. So it's a little bit of a multi technology unit that allows surgeons me, spas high-end spas to offer a non-invasive procedure. But is fantastic.
Right now I, this is, I didn't plan this the Miss Universe that just crowned Miami. I'll tell you a weird story, about a week ago there is a video where she saying, hi, I just prepared myself with a Lipo Max and I have it on tape. I'll send you the video after this. And anyway I'm, a client calls me, he goes, oh, hey, you wanted me to call you?
It wasn't gonna be a big deal. And she goes, I cannot talk to you right now. I go, why? You told me to call you? I'm watching. Are you watching? And I go Miss Universe, and I go, what? I turn it on. Oh my God, it's in Miami, but Andrea Mesa, who won, I go, Andrea Mesa. Wait a minute. We trained, I mean we with the Lipo Max two years ago and she was number two in China.
What is she doing? She won. She won Miss Mexico. And then I go 12 and I go, wow. That's fantastic. Last time she was second, she got number one, she won the New Miss Universe, prepare herself with the Lippo Max. I also can give you other. People that use it even for private use.
This is crazy. I also have a unit that I haven't talked to you about, and it's basically a collagen bed red light for a year. So it's almost if you have a ball that is like all shrinked up, imagine if you put air in there, collagen, and you and the wrinkles do not disappear.
They're filled right in a natural way. because as harvest studies with red light at six 20 nanometers can actually enhance the production of collagen on the body. So about 10 years ago I had this idea and I said, let's go to Dubai. I wanna be cause ideas to be global. I haven't talked to you about that one.
We gotta do the US and the 25 countries that we've been in. So I said, listen, Tracy goes Christ, let's go to Dubai. That'll be fun. We gotta blast. And we launched the student right there in Dubai. It was unbelievable. The, and the funny thing is a lot of the buyers of that unit for private use, The president of some of the countries in South America, I got to have some kind of a relationship with them because of they body in Dubai.
Cause they don't tell you who they are. They send buyers. And I remember that we had a call after the Dubai show and somebody in Panama said, I cannot get in. They have to say it's almost like a, looks like a Tanium bed, with the red lights or the Rejuve Max. I thought I mentioned that to you.
I don't know if I did or not so much that I gotta tell you. Anyway. He goes, I cannot get into, to to the installation. I. Where to the palace and I go, what? What are you talking about? Just get in. He goes, it is, do you know who bought the machine? It's a presidential palace. It's the big boss. And I go, what?
It was Martinelli, the princip. Anyway, we have so many anecdotes that I could tell you. I don't wanna bore you with details, but it's fascinating and a lot of the and Tracy, we just looked at each other. We worked with a lot of passion on our brand, a lot of passion, and we're still there.
We wanna be, we wanna be touched. The decline, we're just want, wanna be to the point that we don't know who they are. And I would say that at. Three, miss Universes have prepared with the Lemax. I also have one of the best designers in Colombia, Zahar, and he says, my designs look better when they use lemax.
In other words, why are you gonna spend $3,000 on a suit, or on a beautiful dress? Or $5,000. You have a lot of fat showing. So he, and we did a lot of the mix the mixture of beauty and high fashion, and we would do the catwalks and stuff like that.
And he's been in Paris and he's, he his family or the Columbia president and. We had the whole country open for us. We gotta go together to Colombia. Columbia's not people thing. Anyway, we have the catwalk. The, their nun was on the presidential plane and he's related to the president anyway.
He's a well-known one and he stay at my house. We're like brothers and he's the most, he went to Dubai with me. and there we are in, in, in the cart walk. Natasha, can you gimme that Sohar particle over there? It's right there. I think it's, I wanna show Grant if you have it right there. Anyway it's fascinating.
And this, we dressed up the machine in one of his in one of his. So anyways, it's a mixture of fashion together with technology, together with plastic surgery is beautiful. So somebody told me, are you crazy? What does, fashion have to do? Plastic surgery and I said everything. I go, why? I said, because I say, Simple.
You know what I mean? It's about telling the story in a way that changes lives in a way that nobody's ever thought of that is different. And we've been able to do a lot of this stuff that nobody ever thought of. Through friendships, through contacts and by love, by loving people. Love opens doors.
It's not just about how much you're gonna give me. The money will come build bridges with your clients, with your patients. I can tell you how many private. Friendships and deals I've done because of friendship that I developed with these guys, a lot of times, I don't even know they have a private plane or, but they have this huge farm.
I don't know any of that, I just love them, and love opens doors and I hope, we don't do everyth really perfect, but we try to really build a relationship that goes beyond just the, you buy from me and that's all we wanna. Another thing that I haven't told you about the company we are, because of our background we used to do it in Pride, but I, Tracy, we gotta tell this story.
We have donated over half a million dollars to building orphanages in the, you saw the pictures with Clinton and I dunno if I, you saw those or not. And with the other, it's because of that we donated to rebuild orphanages in. We also did it in in Sudan, a lot of the hospital slash churches were burnt.
We helped rebuild those. And I told her, I said, we gotta, tele Cola does it. It's part of people need to know that the volume machine, they're not just getting, making money in their centers, they're also, there's a, one more, there's a bigger purpose to it than that. When you buy it, there's a donation going out.
You are helping people. So I think that's also part of the story and part of the success because ala a lot of the plastic surgeons, friends of mine, they have foundations grant. They do a lot of the operations like cliff palaces and things like that. So that goes really well.
And what we do in the industry goes a lot long ways with them as well because they understand it, they get it. They donated all their time, all their money and things like that. So yeah, some of those, I think I may have a magazine here, let me show you. This is this one. I think it's here. And I make sure that's printed.
For example, this is the kids and I don't know if you can see it right there, I was printed with Jimmy Carter. I dunno if can comes through and things like that. And we make sure that, that gets in the media in South America where we our, our biggest space, because you gotta tell the story.
You're not bragging. You're basically letting them know, Hey, we do this to help. So there's an emotional connection between the. And the end user. That's what we're trying to connect. And when you have the doctor read in between, I say, this is not my project. This is yours. A lot of times I say, let me give you one of these articles and sign it for you and place it on these thing and take a picture with me.
Oh, that's part, this is yours. Because I, you are an extension of our company. It's the tick. So it's, it is been a really nice journey. Tracy has been too bad that she's not here. She's a fantastic partner. I have a lot of admiration. She's a lot brighter than I am and I know it.
She's a fantastic. Fantastic partner, great lover. What can I tell you? I, I married up. I, it, she's the reason when we went to meet the presidents, I remember she said, you go, most of them wanna go, show up or whatever. She goes, you go, I'll stay with the children.
We were there was bill Clinton for the library dedication of Billy Graham. That's another story that because of the donations we gave Billy Graham, I was the last person to see him alive after president. That was an, I didn't plan that was an honor. Like I didn't plan being with Steve Grant today.
With you today it's Grant Stevens with you somebody that I've admired you for from afar for many years. And it's, it is really an honor and and the re the relationship will we have really established quickly. Really. But it's because I've been watching, your podcast.
I love your, I think you're doing a tremendous. I know I'm here to talk about my company, about me, but I wanna take the time to also say that I am so honored to be interviewed by you. I cannot tell you how you're seen by the, by your peers, especially in South America. I don't know in the States, cuz I don't know the market well. But when they see you, it's when we took that picture that I kissed you, remember?

Dr. Grant Stevens
Yes, I do. In Miami. Miami, that's right. ISAPS.

Moshe Segebre
The doctors were saying, oh my word. They were like little, almost shaking because they saw you. You are really have done not only a lot of work, but you have a presence about yourself and and I'm very happy to be here to you tell my story and getting to know each other better.
Even through this, I. and I look forward to to doing some more, not just interviews but things together, that have to do with commerce and doing things for the industry.

Dr. Grant Stevens
Thank you very much, Moshe. And please give my regards to Tracy and let her know I'd like her on the program next time we get together.
And we will be doing this again. And I wanna thank you for taking time outta your busy schedule and joining us at the technology of. And I wish you nothing but the best with your brand new offices in Miami. Thank you. Thank and continued success. I look forward to talking to you offline about some of those other opportunities that you were mentioning.
Yes, and I would to, I'd like to thank all of you for joining us again on this exciting episode of the Technology of Beauty. I have the opportunity to interview the movers and shakers of the beauty business. Thank you very much again for joining me and I'll see you next Tuesday.
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The Technology of Beauty
Produced and co-founded by Influx, The Technology of Beauty is the podcast of renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens. Tune in to hear interviews with the innovators and entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of aesthetics from the industry side.